Convert every document from WPS to WPD

We created a reliable WPS to WPD converter that provides the best possible conversion quality out there. Convert your document files from one format to another free, online, and without download any additional software.

Convert WPS to WPD documents in these 3 steps

This trustworthy WPS to WPD converter has 3 steps for this particular one as well as any other document file conversion. Upload files, convert them, and download. That's it!

Upload WPS file


Upload your WPS files first. You can use 'drag and drop' to upload box or add a link to it.

Converting WPS to WPD


Next, click the 'Start conversion' button, and wait for WPS to WPD conversion to finish.

Download converted WPD file


In the end, download your freshly converted WPD document files.

WPS Converter

What is a WPS file?

WPS file format is in a form predecessor to DOC format. The significant difference is that WPS files are created with Microsoft Works Document. Although WPS has most of the DOC features regarding its content, such as rich text, tables, images, etc., WPS doesn’t support advanced formatting options or macros. Since WPS lost support in 2006, in its place came DOC format. However, there are still ways to view or even edit WPS files with the following word processor programs Microsoft Word, NeoOffice, OxygenOffice, AbiWord, etc. If you’re not up to installing new software, convert the WPS file to one of the more compatible formats with this online converter.

WPD Converter

What is a WPD file?

WPD is a proprietary format acquired by well-known word processing software Corel WordPerfect since 1996. For Windows users, this app is one of the primaries in the WordPerfect Office suite. WPD files can contain formatted text, tables, shapes, footnotes, images, and other standard settings for word documents. If you don’t have WordPerfect installed on your PC, then you can install one of the word processing apps that can open this format or convert it to a different format to be able to see its content. Besides WordPerfect, there are a few more word processing apps that support viewing and modifying WPD format, whether you are Windows or Mac user such as Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, NeoOffice, Canvas X, etc.

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