Convert VSD to DNG

If you want to convert VSD to DNG vector format the easy way, use our free online-based service. This converter is not only fast but also it supports the conversion of large VSD files.

How to convert the VSD file to DNG format?

The simple design and three steps to convert your VSD graphics image make this converter easy to use. Check the instructions to convert your VSD to DNG without a hassle.

Upload VSD file


Upload your VSD files with Add files button or add a link to them with Add from URL.

Converting VSD to DNG


For the beginning of the conversion process, press on the Start conversion button.

Download converted DNG file


After a few moments, download your converted DNG vector file.

VSD Converter

What is a VSD file?

VSD file format is a drawing project made in Visio. Visio is a program used to create technical drawings. One of its best features is a fact that it allows users to communicate and visualize complex information. Because it can be used for flowcharts, workflow diagrams, software diagrams, database models, network diagrams, and organizational charts, it's no wonder that this file format can be found in business settings. This type of file extension is compatible with various programs and software. Ones that are in use the most are Microsoft Visio, File Viewer Plus, iGrafx FlowCharter, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, LibreOffice, The Omni Group OmniGraffle, and Nektony VSD Viewer.

DNG Converter

What is a DNG file?

DNG or Digital Negative Image file was developed by Adobe and released on September 27, 2004, as an open raw image format with lossless compression. The primary purpose of DNG format is to provide a free version of raw image formats that can be easily converted to other raw image formats. AS most raw image formats, DNG is also structured based on TIFF format. DNG file usually contains data for one image, metadata, color profiles, and JPEG preview. To manipulate DNG files, you can use the following apps on Windows or Mac operating systems Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Canvas X, Able RAWer, etc.

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