Convert every document from DOTX to TIFF

We created a reliable DOTX to TIFF converter that provides the best possible conversion quality out there. Convert your document files from one format to another free, online, and without download any additional software.

Convert DOTX to TIFF documents in these 3 steps

This trustworthy DOTX to TIFF converter has 3 steps for this particular one as well as any other document file conversion. Upload files, convert them, and download. That's it!

Upload DOTX file


Upload your DOTX files first. You can use 'drag and drop' to upload box or add a link to it.

Converting DOTX to TIFF


Next, click the 'Start conversion' button, and wait for DOTX to TIFF conversion to finish.

Download converted TIFF file


In the end, download your freshly converted TIFF document files.

DOTX Converter

What is a DOTX file?

To create files with DOTX extension, you need word processing program Microsoft Word 2007 or later version. As a newer version of DOT format, DOTX files have an Open XML component that allows them to be relatively smaller in comparison to DOT files.DOTX files usually have a pre-formatted layout, fonts, styles, toolbars, images, objects, and any relevant settings that users can change to their liking. These templates can be used to swiftly create specific documents such as business letters, forms, resumes, etc. If you want to create custom settings for your version of the DOTX template, you can use the default template in Microsoft Word - Normal.dotx.

TIFF Converter

What is a TIFF file?

Tagged Image File Format or TIFF (TIF) is an open-sourced format used for storing images and data in the same file with the use of header tags. TIFF was developed by Aldus Corporation back in 1986 but was acquired by Adobe Inc. in 1994. Depending on which image type (with lossy or lossless compression) format TIFF contains, its size can be changed without any effect on image quality. To open the TIFF file, you can use Windows Photo Viewer and Photos. However, with these apps, you can’t edit the TIFF format. Apps such as GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, etc. include support for viewing and manipulating TIFF files.

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