Convert WMF to WPD

If you want to convert WMF to WPD vector format the easy way, use our free online-based service. This converter is not only fast but also it supports the conversion of large WMF files.

How to convert the WMF file to WPD format?

The simple design and three steps to convert your WMF graphics image make this converter easy to use. Check the instructions to convert your WMF to WPD without a hassle.

Upload WMF file


Upload your WMF files with Add files button or add a link to them with Add from URL.

Converting WMF to WPD


For the beginning of the conversion process, press on the Start conversion button.

Download converted WPD file


After a few moments, download your converted WPD vector file.

WMF Converter

What is a WMF file?

Windows Metafile is known as WMF. It is an extension that contains drawing operations for creating lines, circles, rectangles, and other shapes. WMF files are used mostly for vector images, but they can be used for raster graphics as well. Recently, WMF files have been replaced by other popular formats, like JPG and GIF. Regardless of the fact it’s used less lately, there are plenty of programs compatible with WMF. The most famous ones are File Viewer Plus, ACD Systems ACDSee Photo Studio, Adobe Illustrator, TurboCAD Pro, ACD Systems Canvas, Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer, Inkscape, CADSoftTools ABViewer, Apple QuickTime Player, etc.

WPD Converter

What is a WPD file?

WPD is a proprietary format acquired by well-known word processing software Corel WordPerfect since 1996. For Windows users, this app is one of the primaries in the WordPerfect Office suite. WPD files can contain formatted text, tables, shapes, footnotes, images, and other standard settings for word documents. If you don’t have WordPerfect installed on your PC, then you can install one of the word processing apps that can open this format or convert it to a different format to be able to see its content. Besides WordPerfect, there are a few more word processing apps that support viewing and modifying WPD format, whether you are Windows or Mac user such as Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, NeoOffice, Canvas X, etc.

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