Convert EMF to PDF

If you want to convert EMF to PDF vector format the easy way, use our free online-based service. This converter is not only fast but also it supports the conversion of large EMF files.

How to convert the EMF file to PDF format?

The simple design and three steps to convert your EMF graphics image make this converter easy to use. Check the instructions to convert your EMF to PDF without a hassle.

Upload EMF file


Upload your EMF files with Add files button or add a link to them with Add from URL.

Converting EMF to PDF


For the beginning of the conversion process, press on the Start conversion button.

Download converted PDF file


After a few moments, download your converted PDF vector file.

EMF Converter

What is a EMF file?

Enhanced Meta File mostly used in Windows OS for printing purposes. It is a file format that contains more color, bitmap components, and high-quality vector graphics. The only downside is that the EMF file saves data only in RGB format, and does not support any CMYK data. It is a 32-bit version of a WMF file, and it acts similar to SVG file format. Due to its smaller size, this type of file extension is a decent alternative to the RAW file format. EMF file format can be opened or edited with different programs, such as File Viewer Plus, Microsoft Office 2019, Adobe Illustrator, Corel PaintShop, CorelDraw, ACD Systems Canvas, IrfanView, CADSoftTools, OpenOffice Draw, etc.

PDF Converter

What is a PDF file?

Adobe developed PDF or Portable Document Format, and since 2008 it is an open standard. If you need to print or share a document that won’t lose its formatting regardless of the operating system or program used, then PDF format is ideal for you. PDF files can contain vector graphics, text, annotations, video, 3D media, and other interactive elements. Along with new features of newer PDF versions, there is support for links, forms, JavaScript, etc. The popularity of this format is a fact since every user across different operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, Mac, etc., has software that can open or view PDF files.

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