Celebrate with Converter365 One Year of Free File Conversions

Celebrate with Converter365 One Year of Free File Conversions

Every day we use different file formats while taking pictures, organizing the music library, sending reports for school or work, etc. Since the largest app libraries (Google Play, App Store, and Microsoft Store) count millions of different applications, it’s no wonder there are thousands of file formats.

Instead of installing a new app whenever you can’t open a file someone sent you, you can use a free online converter for this task. And to make any file readable, you can safely use free online Converter365 that supports more file formats you even knew existed.

After one year of converting a multitude of formats, Converter365 proudly celebrates its first birthday with all its users. Here you can find out who we are, what we have to offer, our plans for the future, and how we plan to reward all our users on this important milestone.

This Is Our Story

Cluttering PC with installing unnecessary third-party apps just to open a few files seemed like a constant nuisance to us. That is why our team of developers first started developing a universal file converter that is today Converter365. We wanted to create a practical and innovative tool we all could use independently of the operating system.

Over this past year, Converter365 has become much more than that. Our initial plans to create one online tool that can convert a multitude of different formats so we can use it have expanded greatly.

We realized that having an innovative online converter can be helpful, not just for our small team of developers. That is why we enabled free access to Converter365 to anyone who wants to open a file with an unrecognized extension without installing all applications connected with it.     

With feedback from our users, we managed to improve and adapt our services to the highest quality standards for file conversions. And we will continue to provide completely free file conversions for all our users worldwide. 

What Converter365 Has to Offer?

Over the past year, Converter365 evolved and improved to be the only file converter you’ll need to convert any file you have for free. If you have a file and you don’t know how to open it, chances are you’ll find it on Converter365.

For easier identification, all file formats are neatly divided into nine different categories Document, Video, Audio, Image, Vector, E-book, Presentation, Spreadsheet, and Archive. But the most significant advantage of Converter365 is that it is an online-based tool accessible on Windows, Linux, Android, Mac, etc.

If you need to compare to other online tools, remember that Converter365 is entirely free; it doesn’t leave watermarks after converting your files. Its maximum file size is 100 MB, supports batch conversions, and has many more free features. For example, you can visit our blog to learn more about file formats you have, how to open them, and more interesting subjects.

What Have We Achieved in One Year?

From modest beginnings, Converter365 has become an irreplaceable online-based tool for so many of our users that we are very proud to have. Thousands of support emails kept us going and motivated us to continue improving our converter services.

Because Converter365 has heavily relied on our user experience and our own high standards, now we have over one million satisfied users from all over the world. We couldn’t even imagine that we would reach so many people and help them convert any file format they need entirely free of charge.

Confirmation of our hard work is tens of thousands of successful file format conversions every day. Because of support for a wide variety of audio, video, document, and many other formats free conversions, these are our user’s favorite and most common conversions.     

While we work hard to optimize Converter365 to the highest file format conversion standards, we expect many more milestones to achieve.

Our Plans for the Future

When we first began working on a free online file converter for 1000+ formats, we couldn’t imagine that we will achieve so much in such a short period. That is what inspires us in our plans for the future. However, the one constant that will stay the same is that the Converter365 service is entirely free for all users and will remain that way in the future.

Furthermore, we will continue working on expanding our services and adding even more formats for conversion in each category. Our goal is to improve the overall performance of Converter365, and that includes adding more options.

What you will notice soon on Converter365 are options for resizing images in bulk and other editing options, added audio editing settings, and much more.

After one year of existence, we realized that we are just beginning, and we have many more ideas to bring to life. That is where all of our users can help us. Please keep sending us feedback and words of encouragement, and also what we can make better. Together we have endless possibilities for creating superior free online file converter.

Celebrate with us our One-year Milestone

Besides a memorable one-year office celebration, we wanted to share our joy with all our users. As you know, the services of Converter365 are already completely free to use for all users. However, we can still do more and reward all our users with added features and even better service in the near future.

But that is not all. As a first birthday party for all our users, we will enable a professional plan for all users so you can celebrate with us. All you need to do for free unlimited conversions is to rate Converter365 based on your experience.