Convert KEY to TIF

Convert KEY file to TIF or any other presentation format with the best free online converter. Take advantage of unlimited free conversions and convert all your KEY presentation files in just a few moments.

How to convert KEY to TIF?

If you want to convert your KEY to TIF image, you are at right place! It's not just free and safe, it's very easy to use as well. No matter how many presentation files you need to convert, you are always only three steps away from it.

Upload KEY file


Upload KEY files you want to convert with the Add Files button or add a link to them with Add from URL button.

Converting KEY to TIF


Begin converting your presentation KEY files with pressing the Start conversion button.

Download converted TIF file


After just a few moments, you’ll get a link directly on the website to download your converted TIF presentation files.

KEY Converter

What is a KEY file?

The KEY file extension was created by Apple Keynote presentation software. We could easily say that KEY files are PowerPoint files for Mac users. Besides text, images, and presentation transitions, these types of file extensions can contain XML data as well. Every information stored in a KEY file is shown to a user in a presentation style format. The main issue for Keynote users is that PowerPoint is unable to read KEY formats, which makes it hard to move presentations between the platforms. On the other hand, Mac users can open PowerPoint files, and that’s the main reason why the KEY file is, usually, converted to PPT and PPTX file format.

TIF Converter

What is a TIF file?

The first version of the TIF or TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format was released in 1986 by Aldus Corporation. Its purpose was to unite all companies to use the same image format for scanned files. Since then, TIF format evolved into a highly flexible format for keeping raster type graphics and data in one file with header tags. TIF can contain image formats with lossy and lossless image formats. In case TIF holds a lossless image format, you’ll get high image quality with manageable file size. To open, manipulate, or create a TIF file, you can use a wide spread of scanning, word processing, image manipulation applications, etc. such as GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, etc.

Convert TIF to other formats


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