PPM to LWP converter for your favorite photos

This online tool will help you to convert files from PPM to LWP or to any other image format. It's safe, easy to use, and completely free. Plus, you can convert as many files as you want.

How to convert PPM to LWP - step by step explanation

If you want to convert your PPM to LWP image, you are at right place! It's not just free and safe, it's very easy to use as well. No matter how many image files you need to convert, you are always only three steps away from it.

Upload PPM file


Upload PPM files directly from your computer or add a link to them.

Converting PPM to LWP


After uploading files, click the 'Start conversion' button and wait for the conversion process to finish.

Download converted LWP file


It's time to download your LWP image files. Just click the 'Download' button and get your photos.

PPM Converter

What is a PPM file?

PPM or Portable Pixel Map format was developed in the 1980s to support transferring images between different computer platforms. Although PPM is a color image format, it consists of very little information about image besides color and data that is not visible to the naked eye. PPM file itself can contain one or more PPM images. Considering features of PPM format, it is clear that it’s a highly redundant and inefficient format. Even though PPM format is rare to find nowadays, you can open it with image editing apps such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paintshop Pro, GIMP, IrfanView, etc.

LWP Converter

What is a LWP file?

LWP or Lotus WordPro is a file format owned by IBM since 1995. Originally it was a part of the Lotus SmartSuite program. Files with LWP extension can contain text, graphics, spreadsheets, and other useful settings for making reports, proposals, and similar word processing documents. LWP has many features such as Graphic Integration, Click here blocks, Team Security, Page menu, Menu Finder, and more. LWP files can be viewed and modified by IBM WordPro. LWP was a popular concurrent with Microsoft Office back in the 1990s. However, the more mainstream word processing formats, such as DOC, drove this format to the end of its glorious days.

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